
The Changing Face of Procurement


Times have changed and Procurement has changed with the times. From telex machines to groundbreaking digital tools, from a simple cost-cutting function to a key strategic conduit between businesses and supply chains.

The Procurement function has evolved greatly over the years. Today an expert procurement team does a lot more than support purchases - they support the main goals and objectives of the business.

This new face of Procurement is fueled by technology and the invaluable experience of procurement experts. It's the way forward for businesses who want to succeed at navigating the volatile waters of the freight forwarding market.

For example, the role of Explorate's growing Procurement team is instrumental in developing strong strategic supplier relationships for our clients, facilitating end-to-end control and visibility and improving the overall performance of the business.

We spoke to Richard Brine, Explorate's Head of Procurement, to learn how the procurement function has changed during his 34 years in the business and why it's more valuable than ever.

"We have experienced a one off lifetime event that has significantly changed the trends in our industry and where it all lands is simply unknown. It's also been a rapid and sustained period of revolutionising the industry with digitalisation, the effective use of available data and the improvement of real time visibility."
Richard Brine, Head of Procurement at Explorate

Where We Were and Where we Are Now

1950's & 60's

Non-strategic, cost cutting function.


Increased recognition. Tactical function to secure materials.


Supportive role to ensure material quality and availability.


Integrated into strategic planning, developing supplier relationships and influencing decision making.


Increased strategic significance. Effective conduit between businesses and the supply chain network.


Key role developing strategic supplier relationships, improving business performance and supporting organisational goals.

Interested in seeing the world-class service and competitive rates our Procurement team can offer your business? Contact us today.

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